Appointment booking and referrals

  • Can I come to the laboratory without booking an appointment?

    Some of Fimlab’s service locations also operate with a queue ticket. The service locations can be busy in the mornings before 10 a.m. and early on in the week as well as on the first days of the month. If your examination does not require sampling in the morning, it is worth coming outside the peak hours. By booking an appointment, you can come to laboratory examinations without having to queue. Our Nopsa express service serves without appointment booking and a queue ticket (you will need a referral from public healthcare). Read more: Nopsa

    Note that the following examinations always require appointment booking: glucose tolerance test, gynaecological examinations, fungal tests

    Location-specific information can be found on page: service locations and opening hours.

  • Do I always need a doctor’s referral for laboratory examinations?

    No, you do not.

    The most common examinations related to monitoring your own health can be ordered without a referral from our OmaLabra service. Put together a referral for yourself from our service selection and book a time for examinations. OmaLabra service covers the regions of Pirkanmaa, Kanta-Häme, Päijät-Häme and Ostrobothnia.

    Read more: OmaLabra

  • I have a referral from a private doctor. What do I do?

    If you have a referral from a private doctor, book an appointment and take a printed version of the referral with you when you come for your tests. An invoice of the examination fees will be sent to your home afterwards.

  • How do I cancel my appointment?

    You can cancel your appointment electronically by using our booking system or by calling our appointment booking number: 010 808 515 (weekdays Mon-Fri 7-18). You will find region-specific information below.

    Pirkanmaa, Kanta-Häme, Central Finland and Päijät-Häme
    You can cancel your appointment with a booking key and a pin code you received with your booking confirmation. Click on the link box on the start screen: change or cancel booking.


    You can cancel your appointment online by using our booking system or by calling our appointment booking number: 06 2131 626 (weekdays Mon-Fri 7-15).

  • I am going for a glucose tolerance test; can I book a regular blood test appointment?

    Glucose tolerance test takes about 2 hours. You can book a time for the test from “glucose tolerance test”. You cannot book a regular blood test appointment for a glucose tolerance test.

  • Can I get other blood tests done at the same time with a glucose tolerance test?

    Yes, that is possible.

  • I forgot when I have an appointment, where can I check it?

    You can check the appointment that has been booked for you from the booking confirmation you received. Along with the confirmation message, you will also receive a code with which you can check/change or cancel your appointment.

    Our telephone booking also helps with all appointment booking related matters at number: 010 808 515 (weekdays Mon-Fri 7-18).

    In the Ostrobothnia region, the telephone booking and customer advice service serve at number: 06 213 1626 (weekdays Mon-Fri 7-15).

  • Can I get tests with referrals from two different units taken during the same appointment?

    If it is only blood tests, we can do examinations with referrals from two different units at the same time.

  • Do I take a queue ticket even though I have booked an appointment?

    Yes. You register for all sampling services, both for booked appointments and queue ticket services, at the self-registration kiosks. The registration kiosk will print out a ticket with your service number on it. You will be called in with that number from the waiting room.

  • Does an unattended appointment that has not been cancelled cost?

    We do not charge for unattended appointments, but we hope that you would cancel your appointment in good time before your examination. This way the time becomes available for another client.

  • When I book my appointment, do I need to let you know which examinations I am coming to?

    It is enough that you book a time. All the examinations that have been prescribed for you are found in the database. If you come with a referral from a private doctor, take a printed version of the referral with you.

Preparing for the examinations

  • How do I prepare for the examinations?
    • Some laboratory examinations require fasting.
    • Some laboratory examinations require sample collection at a certain time.
    • Avoid alcohol, caffeinated drinks and smoking the day before your appointment and on the morning of the appointment.
    • You can take your own medicines normally on the morning of your appointment unless your doctor has instructed you otherwise.
    • Come to the laboratory right before your booked appointment.

    Did you know? A small letter f in front of the test abbreviation refers to an examination that requires a 10–14-hour fast. During the fast, you are not allowed to eat or drink anything other than water.

  • How do I prepare for an electrocardiogram (ECG)?

    In an ECG examination, the electrodes are placed on your skin on your chest and ankles. Please be mindful of this when getting dressed.

    Avoid strenuous physical activity and caffeinated drinks (e.g. coffee, tea, energy drinks) before coming in for the examination.

    When you come to an ECG examination with a child, you can bring, for example, a soft toy. Read more: In the laboratory with children

  • How do I prepare for a Pap smear test?

    Please note the following before coming to the examination:

    • Pap smear tests cannot be performed while you are on your period.
    • You can continue to take any other treatments for this area (e.g. a vaginal suppository) normally but you should not take them the day before the sample is collected or on the day of sample collection.
    • There is no need to stop taking any hormone replacement therapy medication.
    • Normal pregnancy up to week 35 does not prevent sampling. If you have any questions about sampling soon after childbirth, please contact your child health clinic.

    Mass screening samples: Please go to the test within a month of receiving the invitation, and in any case before the end of the year. Please note that in the screening programme it is not possible to postpone your screening test until the following year.

  • Can I drink alcohol before examinations?

    Alcohol can affect the examination results. You should avoid using alcohol the day before and on the morning of the examination day.

  • Do I need to be without eating and drinking?

    Some laboratory examinations are performed after fasting. The health care unit that has prescribed the examinations will let you know if you must prepare for the examinations by fasting i.e. be without eating and drinking.

    When necessary, start your fast 10–14 hours before the planned examination time. During the fast, you are not allowed to eat or drink anything other than water. Please note that fasting for too long may affect the test results.

    You will receive instructions regarding children’s fasting from the heath care unit that is treating you.

    Did you know? A small letter f in front of the test abbreviation refers to an examination that requires a 10–14-hour fast. During the fast, you are not allowed to eat or drink anything other than water. You can drink water as usual.

  • Can I take my medicines?

    You can take your medicines on the morning of your examination day as usual unless the examination-specific special instructions tell you otherwise. For example, thyroid medication can only be taken after thyroid function tests.

    If you are in doubt, contact the doctor treating you/the unit that prescribed the referral.

    You can also ask for instructions from our customer advice service at: 03 3117 4445 (weekdays Mon-Fri 8-16). In the Ostrobothnia region our customer advice service serves at number 06 213 1626 (weekdays Mon-Fri 7-15).

  • Can I drink coffee?

    Caffeinated drinks affect the test results. Avoid drinking them on the morning of your examination day.

    Did you know? Energy drinks include a lot of caffeine.

  • Can I smoke?

    Smoking can affect the test results. Avoid smoking on the morning of your examination day.

Children’s sampling

Samples taken at home and distance testing

  • How do I store a stool sample?

    You receive instructions when you pick up the containers. If you have any questions, you can contact our customer advice service: 03 311 74445

  • How do I store different kinds of urine samples?

    You receive instructions when you pick up the containers. If you have any questions, you can contact our customer advice service: 03 3117 4445.

  • Can I order someone to collect my samples at home?

    At the moment, home sampling for consumer clients is not included in our service selection.

  • How do I collect a diurnal urine sample?

    See instructions for collecting a diurnal urine sample by clicking the link below or contact our customer advice service: 03 3117 4445

    Read instructions: diurnal urine sampling

  • How do I know if I have the right container?

    You can check this by calling our customer advice service. You can reach our customer advice service on weekdays between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. at number: 03 3117 4445.

  • I washed the urine container; can I collect a new sample in it?

    The sample containers are disposable. If you need a new container, you can get one from the laboratory.

  • Can I collect the sample in my own container?

    Samples need to be collected in containers that you received from the laboratory or the unit that is treating you. This way we can make sure that the samples are examinable.

  • How do I return a urine sample that was collected at home?

    You can return a urine sample to the closest service location without booking an appointment.

    • Take a queue ticket from the ”Samples taken at home and/or customer counselling” button.

    Note that if you are coming to Fimlab for sample collection, you can return samples taken at home to the nurse who is collecting your sample. In this case, you will not need a separate queue ticket to return your samples. Please note that samples taken at home cannot be returned to our Nopsa points.

  • How do I return a stool sample that was collected at home?

    You can return a stool sample to the closest service location without booking an appointment.

    • Take a queue ticket from the ”Samples taken at home and/or customer counselling” button.

    Note that if you are coming to Fimlab for sampling, you can return samples taken at home to the nurse who is collecting your sample. In this case, you will not need a separate queue ticket to return samples. Please note that samples taken at home cannot be returned to our Nopsa points.

  • How do I return a sputum sample that was collected at home?

    You can return a sputum sample to the closest service location without booking an appointment.

    • Take a queue ticket from the ”Samples taken at home and/or customer counselling” button.

    Note that if you are coming to Fimlab for sample collection, you can return samples taken at home to the nurse who is collecting your sample. In this case, you will not need a separate queue ticket to return samples. Please note that samples taken at home cannot be returned to our Nopsa points.

  • Where can I get a sample container?

    You can collect a sample container and instructions for sampling from Fimlab’s service locations.

    • Take a queue ticket from the ”Samples taken at home and/or customer counselling” button.
    • For some examinations you may receive the sampling material from the unit that is treating you.
  • Where do I get a remote testing package for STDs?

    Order a free remote testing package for your home. The sample is collected at home and then mailed to the laboratory. You will get the results as a text message to your mobile phone.

    Read more and order a package: Remote testing

  • Who is remote testing for STDs for?

    You can order a remote testing package for chlamydia or gonorrhoea if you live in Tampere or Orivesi or study in Tampere or Orivesi in upper secondary school, vocational school, adult education centre or university of applied sciences. More information: Remote testing

    If you live in Jyväskylä, Hankasalmi or Uurainen, read more about the remote testing service for sexually transmitted diseases from here: Home testing

  • How do I get the result of the remote test for STDs?

    We will send you the test result as an anonymous SMS.

    Read more from here:

  • It is below freezing outside; can I return the remote testing package for STDs into a mailbox?

    You can return the package by leaving it at the post office or directly in a mailbox.


In the laboratory

  • How long is the average waiting time?

    The waiting times vary. To ensure a quick entry to sampling, we recommend that you book an appointment in advance, either by phone or online.

  • I have an emergency referral, what do I do?

    Clients with an emergency referral will be served with a queue ticket.

    • Take a queue ticket from the ”Sampling for emergency customers” button.
  • How does Nopsa work?

    Nopsa i.e. our express service point works without a queue ticket or appointment booking. Nopsa serves adults and young clients who come for blood sampling. You can walk straight into a free booth (green light on = available booth). You need to have an electronic referral from a doctor in public healthcare and an ID.

    Read more: Nopsa

  • Can you not book an appointment to the paediatric outpatient clinic?

    The laboratory at Tays peadiatric outpatient clinic only operates with a queue ticket.

  • Can I go to a laboratory on a Saturday?

    Only some of our service locations are open on Saturdays.

    Check opening hours here

  • I have booked an appointment; do I still take a queue ticket?

    Yes. You register for all sampling services, both for booked appointments and queue ticket services, at the self-registration kiosks. The registration kiosk will print out a ticket with your service number on it. You will be called in with that number from the waiting room.

  • How does the self-registration kiosk work?

    You register for all sampling services, both for booked appointments and queue ticket services, at the self-registration kiosks.

    When you arrive at the laboratory, always start with registration. (If you are coming to Nopsa blood sampling, you do not need to register. See instructions for Nopsa above from section “How does Nopsa work?”.)

    The self-registration kiosk will advise you how to act. Show the barcode or QR code of your KELA card, driver’s licence or another ID card to the machine’s reader. You can also type in your personal identity code or the booking key which you received as a confirmation for appointment booking on the touch screen.

    A ticket with your service number will be printed for you upon registration. You will be called in with that number from the waiting room.


Examination results

  • How do I get the results?

    You should inquire about the examination results from the unit that is treating you, where they will be electronically sent to, as soon as the results are ready. Patients of private doctors and OmaLabra clients will be mailed their results, to an address they have given. In Kanta-Häme and Pirkanmaa patient clients can receive the results of the most common examinations via SMS, if they so wish. More detailed information about the SMS service through the link below.

    Read more: SMS service

    If you wish, you can receive the results of the most common laboratory examinations on your mobile telephone or another mobile device when you download the Fimlab mobile application. The service is currently available in Pirkanmaa, Kanta-Häme and Central Finland.

    Read more (currently only in Finnish): Fimlab-mobiilisovellus

  • Why do my results not show in OmaKanta?

    All examination results do not show in OmaKanta service for the moment.

  • Who will interpret my results that I received via SMS?

    The doctor who is treating you is always responsible for interpreting examination results.

  • Why did I not get my results via SMS or on the mobile application?

    Clients in Kanta-Häme and Pirkanmaa can get the results of the most common examinations via SMS, if they so wish. You can get more detailed information about the SMS service and examinations that are covered by the service through the link below.

    Read more: SMS service

    If you wish, you can receive the results of the most common laboratory examinations on your mobile telephone or another mobile device when you download the Fimlab mobile application. The service is currently available in Pirkanmaa, Kanta-Häme and Central Finland.

    Read more (currently only in Finnish): Fimlab-mobiilisovellus

  • Where do I see the reference values?

    The reference values for the most common examinations you can see underneath services, in the most common examinations section. Please note that the doctor treating you is always primarily responsible for interpreting the results.

    The most common examinations

  • How do I get results via SMS?

    Upon arriving to sampling in the service locations in Pirkanmaa or Kanta-Häme regions, tell the person collecting your sample that you want your results via SMS. As the results are ready, the system will automatically send the results of the most common examinations via SMS to a number you have given. Please note that there may be a delay between the messages.

    Read more: SMS service

  • Can I get results sent to my email address?

    Our data system does not currently allow for results to be sent via email.

  • Can I get the results via SMS afterwards?

    Delivering the results afterwards via SMS is not possible at the moment.

  • Can I get the results from Fimlab’s customer advice service?

    Our customer advice service will not disclose examination results. You should inquire about the examination results from the unit that is treating you, where the results will electronically be sent to, as soon as they are ready. Patients of private doctors and OmaLabra clients will be mailed their results, to an address they have given. In Kanta-Häme and Pirkanmaa patient clients can receive the results of the most common examinations via SMS, if they so wish.

    You can get more detailed information about the SMS service through the link below.

    Read more: SMS service

  • How long does it take to get the results?

    How long it takes to get the results depends on the examination. Our customer advice service will give you more detailed examination-specific information.