Remote testing (home testing) refers to a service in which the customer collects the sample themselves at home and sends it to a laboratory for examination. The sample examination methods used are the same quality-certified methods that are used to examine samples collected at our laboratories or health care service locations.
The presence of the nucleic acid of chlamydia-causing Chlamydia trachomatis and gonorrhoea-causing Neisseria gonorrhoeae is demonstrated from urine or a vaginal sample using a gene amplification technique. The test does not detect other sexually transmitted diseases or non-genital STDs, such as pharyngeal or rectal chlamydia and gonorrhoea infections.
The results will be visible in the Päijät-Sote mobile app. Results will also be recorded in the patient record system used by the wellbeing services county of Päijät-Häme and in the Kanta Services archive.
What does my result mean?
- U –ChtrNhO NEG
The sample does not contain the chlamydia-causing bacterium. - U –ChtrNhO POS
The sample contains the chlamydia-causing bacterium. - U –GcNhO NEG
The sample does not contain the gonorrhoea-causing bacterium. - U –GcNhO POS
The sample contains the gonorrhoea-causing bacterium.
What do I do if the result is…
NEG If both tests are negative, the sample does not contain bacteria that cause chlamydia or gonorrhoea. The test result does not give reason for further measures. However, if you have symptoms or suspect that you have some other STD, contact a healthcare unit.
POS If either of the tests is positive, you have the disease in question. To seek treatment, contact your own social and healthcare center via the Päijät-Sote mobile app messaging (infectious disease [tartuntataudit in Finnish] -section) or by phone. See the contact information here
NO RESULT (EI TULOSTA) In rare instances, the test does not produce a reliable result. For further investigation, contact a healthcare unit.
Important information:
- Due to the incubation period of the diseases, it takes approximately one week from exposure to get a positive test result (the earliest reliable sample collection time is five days after unprotected sex).
- After a treated infection, the test can give a positive result for four weeks. If more time has passed since treatment, a positive result indicates failed treatment or a new infection.
- The test can only be used to detect chlamydia and gonorrhoea infections from urine or a vaginal sample. The test is not suitable for the examination of other STDs.