Description of the service
The sperm laboratory examines semen volume, sperm density, total sperm count, sperm motility and possible antisperm antibodies. If necessary, further semen testing can also be carried out in the laboratory. After sterilisation, the semen is examined to verify the absence of motile sperm.
Semen sample collection is performed at our fertility treatment laboratory in Tampere only by appointment. Appointment booking by telephone on weekdays Mon–Fri between 8 and 15 at 010 808 525.
Preparing for the examination
Fill in the preliminary information form
Download and fill in the preliminary information form electronically or fill in the form manually. Please bring the completed and printed preliminary information form to the laboratory with you.
Book an appointment
Semen analysis
You can book an appointment to the sperm laboratory of Fimlab’s fertility treatment laboratory as follows:
- Book an appointment online: Booking an appointment > Pirkanmaa > Semen analysis
- Book an appointment by telephone at 010 808 525. Appointment booking is available on weekdays from 8 to 15.
Sperm freezing
- Book an appointment by telephone at 010 808 525. Appointment booking is available on weekdays from 8 to 15.
Price list
- Semen analysis: 85 € (+ service fee of 7,55 €)
- Post-vasectomy, i.e. sterilisation, check: 100 € (+ service fee of 7,55 €)
Arriving at the fertility treatment laboratory’s sperm laboratory:
Instructions for arrival
Our address is Arvo Ylpön katu 4. Please note that the entrance is on Ensitie. We are located on the first floor.
Sample collection
Read these instructions carefully before sample collection
- You should abstain from ejaculating for two to five days before sample collection.
- Wash your hands thoroughly before and after collecting the sample.
- Write your name and personal identity code on the label on the sample container.
- Collect the sperm sample by masturbating.
- Collect the entire sample directly into the sample container.
- Close the lid of the sample container and place the sample container into the sample return hatch.
- Visit the office of the laboratory one more time.

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