Our extensive sample collection services are also available to customers with a private doctor’s referral. Book an appointment, bring along a paper referral and receive your test results by post.

Sample collection

You need a paper referral for sample collection. Our nurse will enter the information in our system. Learn more about our sample collection services

Test results and invoicing

By default, your laboratory test results and invoice for the service will be sent to your primary home address in Finland shown in the Population Information System. If you have accepted Fimlab as a sender of e-invoices in the OmaPosti service, the results will be sent there automatically. The results and the invoice will be sent separately. Learn more: Delivery of laboratory test results and invoices to private customers

You can also find the test results in MyKanta. The test results of underage children are an exception to this. Learn more at kanta.fi.

Price list

Fimlab’s current price list applies to services provided by Fimlab. A separate office fee may be charged in addition to the fee for services provided by Fimlab. For more information about pricing, call: 010 808 515 on weekdays 7–16.

You can find examination-specific prices in the OmaLabra service.

Inquiries about invoicing for private customers 

041 730 3821, on weekdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.